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Zeno的故事​ Story of Zeno

Understand the seemingly different lives,
feel the inner “authenticity” of the people with autism 


愛培自閉症基金(APF)很榮幸邀請了顧定軒(Zeno)成為我們今年的公眾教育項目 ── 「關注自閉症大行動」的關懷大使,一起喚起大眾認識及接納自閉症人士。Zeno曾於香港電台的電視單元劇飾演自閉症學生,自此他對自閉症這議題十分關注。他希望透過自身的經歷,呼籲社會大眾摒棄對自閉症人士的固有刻板印象,協助他們融入社會,發揮所長。



與自閉症小孩和青年相處    感受最內在的真誠



看似不一樣    卻同樣值得被愛

當談及今年的活動主題「接受獨特的自己  認識不一樣的別人」,Zeno有感而發地說:「我覺得這種是,我們看似不一樣,但其實大家都是值得去被愛、值得去被照顧、值得去探索更多這個世界、去被了解。」然而社會上仍有很多人對自閉症人士存有誤解,甚或自閉症人士的家人會因著不同的原因隱瞞這狀況,Zeno特別鼓勵大家:「我覺得不需要擔心不要讓其他人知道(自閉症人士身份),因為說不準,我們可將這個機會給他們(自閉症人士)去認識世界,或去社區了解更多外面的情況,我覺得對他們會更好。」

以平常心態    認識每個獨特的人


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Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) is honoured to have Mr. Zeno Koo as the Ambassador of our public education programme “Autism Awareness Actions” to raise public awareness and call for people’s acceptance of people with autism this year. Zeno once played a role of a student with autism in a RTHK TV drama. Since then, he has concerned the issue of autism. Zeno wishes to call the public to erase the stereotypes towards people with autism, to help them integrate into society and play to their strengths.

Self-exploration is the key life lesson for everyone
Zeno is an actor now, he is still eager to make new attempts, then to understand himself more. Participated in a talent show earlier, Zeno targeted to explore different possibilities by taking part in various performances. He believes that self-exploration is a key life lesson for every person. No matter for ordinary people or people with autism, all of us should unearth our interests and potentials by different attempts. However, due to the shallow understanding or even misunderstanding towards autism in the community, this reduces the chances for people with autism to unleash their potentials in a certain extent. Because of such, Zeno joins APF’s “Autism Awareness Actions” this year to put effort in raising public awareness of autism.

Getting alone with a young man and a kid with autism to feel their inherent sincerity
APF earlier invited a child, Sin Ka and a young man Chi Hang to explore their interests and abilities by drawing, wishing them to understand themselves more by offering different activities to them. Zeno also supported this interview and photo shooting with his role of Ambassador on that day. He shared with us that, “I found Sin Ka very adorable when he drew as he wouldn’t set rules for himself. He would directly express what he wanted to show us. While for Chi Hang, he’s much more mature than I thought. He’s a decent and polite gentleman.” Zeno was deeply touched by the sincerity from Sin Ka and Chi Hang. Their direct and sincere way they interact with people makes others feel comfortable and interesting. Moreover, Zeno was also moved by the positive mentality from dad of Sin Ka and mom of Chi Hang. “When taking care of their child, I believe their parents have to take much more time and patience. However, they haven’t chosen a bad mood to look into the matter.” Both parents have been devoting all of their attention to take care of their sons positively.


Seemingly different from each other, yet we all deserve to be loved

When taking about the theme of the year “Accept my uniqueness  Understand your differences”, Zeno said emotionally, “I think it’s like, we seem to be different from each other, yet we all deserve to be loved, to be taken care of, to explore more about the world and to be understood.” Many people in the community would have misunderstanding towards people with autism, or their families would even hide their cases because of different reasons, Zeno encouraged us, “I think we are not necessary to worry about revealing the fact (of having autism). I believe somehow we are able to grant them (people with autism) opportunities to get to know the world, or letting them know about the situation outside. Such amazing settings are something valuable to them.”

Get to know every unique person with a usual demeanour

No matter for ordinary people or people with autism, every person is unique with different personalities, capabilities and interests. The general public are reminded to embrace themselves with a usual demeanour to meet people with autism. Zeno continued, “As long as you’re willing to understand them, or to feel their (people with autism) mood at the moment, you’ll find that they’re actually a group of interesting and kind-hearted people.” He at last encouraged everyone to open their minds, take a step forward to meet, accept and know different people.

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